Dress Like You Mean Business | July 2020

While it’s still work-from-home for most us, if you need to put on a business attire for a Zoom meeting or presentation, take some inspiration from my look. I’ll be honest these pictures were shot before the lockdown before we had any idea about corona and how this will impact us for the whole year. It was supposed to be series on sassy, classy workwear. In the current scenario, if you are tired of wearing the same kinds of T-shirts, dresses or tops for your work calls, try this look! I teamed up my blazer with a basic black spaghetti and skirt with high heels and minimal jewellery. For that extra oomph, dab on some red lipstick and you’re all set. Even though you’re attending a Skype or Zoom call from the comforts of your home and it can be so tempting to just be in your pajamas, know that it is sometimes important to dress up. Also, you may not realise it, but what you wear each day impacts how you feel, how you carry yourself and how you’re perceived by others. So, dress like you totally mean business!

Ritwika Gupta


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Post Author: Ritwika

I'm a full-time anchor reporting on lifestyle, luxury, entertainment & film reviews. I also write features on media/advertising and host a hell of a lot events. I love to blog about fashion, beauty & films... & that's pretty much how Spotlight came about. www.spotlightxoxo.com

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