Elizabeth Arden Gold Ceramide Capsules (Review)


Today, I shall be reviewing Elizabeth Arden’s Gold Ceramide Capsules which I got a week back from Singapore. Well to tell you the truth, each time I start instagraming pictures of beauty products, (most recently this Elizabeth Arden Goodie) IMG_2363my mother keeps shaking her head with a worried look, not knowing what in the world I am doing with a youth restoration cream in my early 20s. I think I have almost made her understand what blogging is all about. Almost is the key word.

Moving On ..

So, at what age should one start on anti-aging skincare?  Am I too young to begin using anti-aging treatment products?  Well, research says aging starts from the mid-20s. Although the general consensus seems to be that anti-aging should begin when one hits 30, visible aging of the skin actually starts at about age 25. Apparently, this is because the natural regenerative process begins to slow and there is a generally slower skin cell turnover. The Elizabeth Arden’s Gold Ceramide Capsule claims to do just about that.

What The Product Endorses :

Skin care experts at Elizabeth Arden claim that the secret to look young is found in ceramides, naturally occurring lipids produced by your skin. Ceramides help hold skin cells together to give it a hydrated, smooth and vibrant look. The Elizabeth Arden’s Gold Ceramide Capsules have been developed using a skin-identical ceramide technology to replenish the ceramides your skin may have lost over time. Each capsule contains pure and concentrated ceramide to support skin’s ability to retain moisture and enhance hydration and reduce visible signs of aging.

How true are these? Keep reading!



IMG_2367My Review :
I got this beautifully packaged Gold Capsule set complimentary from Elizabeth Adren but the retail price should be approximately SGD$68. When you open the package, a mini gold box greets you invitingly. The gold box contains all the ceramide capsules. There are 30 capsules in a box and if you use one daily, it will last you for a month. So, you just have to take a capsule and cut the top off to squeeze out the serum inside.


What’s Good:
Initially, the serum looks like a shiny oil. But the good thing is that after massaging the serum lightly all over your face and neck, it sinks into the skin after about a minute and does not leave a trace of oily/greasy/shiny finish at all. The serum contains a lot of skin-benefiting ingredients, including vitamin A and E which help to repair damaged skin and minimize wrinkles.

Apart from being a skin-benefiting product, this can also be used as a very good make-up base! Your skin will look more radiant and smooth upon using this as make-up base. And make up would definitely last longer throughout the day. You really would not need a primer or any moisturizer ! No kidding ..

What’s Bad:
A little pricey. The fragrance is quite a turn off. Some might like it but I am quite sensitive to strong smell, personally.


My Rating – 4/5

So tell me girls – have you tried any anti-ageing products?
Which is your current favorite?

Post Author: Ritwika

I'm a full-time anchor reporting on lifestyle, luxury, entertainment & film reviews. I also write features on media/advertising and host a hell of a lot events. I love to blog about fashion, beauty & films... & that's pretty much how Spotlight came about. www.spotlightxoxo.com

3 thoughts on “Elizabeth Arden Gold Ceramide Capsules (Review)


    (April 25, 2013 - 12:35 PM)

    Yes, you are right! Afterall, it’s your skin. Investing a little extra on skincare products can go a long way. Well, one can possibly save money on beauty cosmetics like your lipstick/gloss/mascara … But when it comes to skin care products, it always pays to pay a little extra. Having said that, it’s not good to go overboard though. It’s best to know what works for you and what doesn’t & splurge accordingly ! :))

    […] I posted my Elizabeth Arden Gold Ceramide Capsules and Maybelline Baby Lips review, I was flooded with offers to review various beauty products […]

    LookbooK (@lookbookyou)

    (July 4, 2013 - 1:14 PM)

    I use this capsules on and off, every two or three nights. I think they are amazing, I just don’t use it every might because I am concerned they might be for more mature skin….although I agree we should all start using moisturizing creams at age 25 no doubt about that

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