2019 is a clean slate – a white canvas. We’ll be presented with 365 new days and 365 new opportunities. And it’s really up to us how we paint this white canvas. We can choose to leave it blank, add strokes of anxiety, despair and stress. While the latter is inevitable, we can also try and make 2019 the most colourful year of our life. I believe it is never too late to give yourself a new purpose. I believe it’s never too late to inspire people. I believe you are never too old to rekindle the flames of an old passion and I believe you are never too old to fight. Personally, I want 2019 to be exciting and colourful. If you know me well enough, you’d know how much I love colours. There’s a certain positive energy in colours. Colours tell us how beautiful life is and that we should definitely celebrate life more often. We are just sparks in the universe and our time on earth is so short. I believe we should be the brightest lights we can be while we are still here. So, on the first day of this brand new year, put on your best (most colorful) clothes, do the things you love and make 2019 the most fascinating year of your life!
Here’s to another round on this mad rollercoaster. Happy 2019, everyone!
Dress: Vero Moda
Shot on iPhone 10
Photographer: Stendor Sorout