How To Look Slim in Photos !!

How to look slim in photographs ?

It’s a known fact that the camera adds 10 pounds of weight. I’m sure many of you would be able to relate when I say that no matter how much one likes being clicked, the camera sometimes fails to capture our best features and makes some of us look so much heavier than we are! Well, if you share these woes, here are some tips, some cheat codes to outsmart the camera and look slimmer and sleeker in photos. Here, I would like to add that I’m in no way an advocate of the size-zero figure and I firmly believe in loving and embracing one’s body as it is, but hey! Who doesn’t yearn for a stellar photo?!

How+To+Look+Slim+in+Photos+Some+Tried+and+Tested+Tips1. Positioning of the camera:

218 Make sure that the camera is placed slightly above you. Have it placed on a high shelf or simply ask  somebody taller than you to take the picture. This trick efficiently camouflages double chins and under eye dark circles in addition to making your hips look sleeker.  Keep your fair distance from the camera. Objects closest to the lens will appear the largest. This phenomenon applies very well in group photos.

2. The Stance
The pose: The camera creates a 2D image, thus failing to capture one’s curves efficiently. Instead of facing the camera full on, try turning partially sideways to the camera, planting one foot in front of the other. Point your toe to the camera and place your weight on your back foot. Keep your spine straight and shoulders pulled back.

The chin and neck:  Keep your chin up and the neck slightly bent. This would prevent the appearance of a double chin. (Don’t pull your head back as it will make your face appear bigger in addition to displaying your nasal contents to the camera!)

Arms:  Keep your arms away from your body. Bend and place them on your hips or keep them busy elsewhere. This prevents the fat on your upper arms from flattening against your body, thus giving the illusion of slimmer arms.


Suck that tummy:  Suck your tummy just slightly in. I think most of us already do this, but avoid overdoing it as that would make it obvious that you are trying too hard.

The smile:  Go for a natural smile instead of saying cheese. (It would save you from looking like a chipmunk modeling for a toothpaste brand!)

3. Clothing and Make Up

Wear well-fitted clothes. Not too tight that they highlight bulges that don’t even exist, and not too loose that you end up looking like a sack.

Go mono-color. Wear a single colored outfit. This would elongate your figure.

Wear dark colors. That dark colors have an instant slimming effect is no secret. Opt for navy blue, dark grey, maroon or the universal favorite, black. Never fails.

Wearing high-heels would give you wonderfully defined legs and a great, elegant posture.

Invest in good quality shape-wear to smooth out the unwanted bulges.

The hair:  Sporting an extremely sleek hairdo, like a ponytail pulled back too tight, would make your face appear larger and wider than it is. To counter this, go for a softer look by leaving a few loose strands of hair to frame your face and eliminate harsh angles. A puff or topknot also helps elongate the face.

516Hail the bronzer:  Contour your face well. For tips on contouring like a pro, look no further than the great tutorials on IMBB. Sweeping bronzer along the limbs will give them dimension and definition.


Use props: Use your purse to hide a big belly or throw a jacket over your shoulders.

Lastly, but most importantly, stop worrying about how the picture would turn out. Stay calm and relaxed, smile a natural smile and I’m sure your photographs will turn out great, irrespective of your size. 😉

Courtesy : Esha Jain, IMB

Post Author: Ritwika

I'm a full-time anchor reporting on lifestyle, luxury, entertainment & film reviews. I also write features on media/advertising and host a hell of a lot events. I love to blog about fashion, beauty & films... & that's pretty much how Spotlight came about.

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