
My 14 Day Hair Challenge with the New Pantene

Bad Hair? Ain’t nobody got time for that! To desire healthy and luscious hair is almost like stating the obvious and if you know me well enough, you’d know that my mood is quite dependent on how my hair looks & feels. Good hair almost makes me believe that I can take over the world. […]

Monsoon Hair & Skin Care Tips

Monsoon has hit Mumbai and how !! It’s been raining crazy the last couple of days… and such a dramatic change in climate is sure to affect our skin and hair. There is a huge increase in humidity and dampness in the air and a stark contrast from the dry hot weather of the summer. […]

Livon Silky Potion – Review

Livon Silky Potion – Review  I have to start off my review today by saying that I love Livon and I am a regular user of it. So when I was sent this beautiful package and a new bottle of Livon Silky Potion for review purpose, I grabbed the opportunity to share my lovely experience […]