Social Media Tips

Being a blogger for a while now, I have realized how important social media plays in my life. Frankly, I am addicted to social media and I pride myself on doing heaps of research about social media tips for small businesses. For me, social media is a potential platform to create a new relationship, interact with […]

Hilarious Break-Up Letter!

So, I came across this image on Instagram – it’s a break up letter or rather a little girl’s (possibly 9/10 years old) ‘Brake Up’ note to her boyfriend (ex bf) Shawn. Check it out – It’s adorable and hilarious! Do you think this offers a serious dose of real talk? View this post on Instagram […]

Exams Are Here !

Hey guys!! Just wanted to let you all know that I am in the midst of my exams – yes, it’s the exam month & I am quite surprised at how fast the year just flew by. I will surely miss college. My exams started on the 12th May and will end on the 22nd […]

Bollywood Selfie Brigade

What is a SELFIE  – a self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are often shared on social networking services such as Instagram. They are often casual, and are typically taken either with a camera held at arm’s length or in a mirror. Looks like the selfie bug has hit the Bollywood brigade too! Check it out […]

10 Reasons Why People Don’t Reply To Messages!

I am sure everyone knows at least one person – in your family, friend circle, acquaintances, buddies etc who never ever replies to emails, messages or texts! So I got inspired to dissect and analyze the possible reasons as to why some people basically do not believe in replying to messages. Are you with me in […]

Like Us On Facebook

Hey Guys, Spotlight completes exactly 6 months today! And I’m touched and thrilled by the response – 72,796 views in just 6 months !! I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I’m sure most of you know it by now that Spotlight is now officially ! We have already started our […]