Monsoon Hair & Skin Care Tips

Monsoon has hit Mumbai and how !! It’s been raining crazy the last couple of days… and such a dramatic change in climate is sure to affect our skin and hair. There is a huge increase in humidity and dampness in the air and a stark contrast from the dry hot weather of the summer. […]

Clinique’s 3-step skincare : Review

Have you guys dropped by the  website?  I think it’s damm neat and Clinique’s 3-step skincare system has gotten me pretty excited. In this scorching summer heat, you only need three things to get your skin all revved up. Yes, in just 3 steps and in just 3 minutes, twice a day! You don’t […]

Summer Skin Care Tips

Guest Post   “Growing up, I was blessed with great skin. Unlike my peers, I did not suffer from the dreaded puberty acne, neither did I have problems with oil production. So while my friends were busy sharing tips on how to get clear skin, I was simply washing my face with water”. But the […]

Elizabeth Arden Gold Ceramide Capsules (Review)

Today, I shall be reviewing Elizabeth Arden’s Gold Ceramide Capsules which I got a week back from Singapore. Well to tell you the truth, each time I start instagraming pictures of beauty products, (most recently this Elizabeth Arden Goodie) my mother keeps shaking her head with a worried look, not knowing what in the world […]